Heavy Duty Tent Pegs and Inflatable Tents - Tips, Reviews and Info!

Heavy Duty Tent Pegs for Ground Sheets - (Part 3 of 3)
When it comes to ground sheets for camping, normal tent pegs are not as user friendly. An option is to use what we call a lug-less tent peg, which sounds quite unappealing, but is a great option as it can be hammered in flush to the ground.
Regular tent pegs cause a tripping hazard in camping areas.
Regular tent pegs cause a tripping hazard in camping areas.

Heavy Duty Tent Pegs - Removal from Hard Ground (Part 2 of 3)
We’ve previously looked at getting tent pegs into hard ground without them bending. But what goes in - must come out. Pegs that are hard to get into the ground are typically also hard to get out. What to do ti aid in removal f your tent peg when camping?

Tent Pegs for Australian Ground - The Complete Guide (Part 1 of 3)
Tent pegs for Australian hard ground or rock. Everything you need to know. Traditional tent pegs are made with a straight piece of rod steel, chopped to length and then the head is bent back on itself. Nice and easy and very cost effective. However, the point of impact, that is, where your hammer strikes the top of this peg, is along the bend and therefore slightly off centre from the spine (the main part) of the peg.